Our primary objective is to add to the achievement of WIKA’s corporate targets. WIKA’s primary objective is a contribution to our customers’ success in supplying excellent instrumentation solutions in terms of quality, prices, delivery reliability, flexibility and the provision of service in order to yield the turnover and profit required to enable WIKA’s continued existence and growth. Providing the customers of the departments Purchasing / Sourcing with service is part of the above scheme. The key customers of the departments Purchasing / Sourcing are, on the one hand, our internal customers such as, for example, the departments design, development, production, marketing as well as, on the other hand, the ultimate customers via our sales departments. The objective is the achievement of a high degree of customer satisfaction.
After careful analysis, WIKA has chosen the most suitable form of organisation in the Purchasing and makes, as a group of companies acting on a worldwide scale, use of the synergy and globalisation effects of the Material Group Management (MGM).
Purchasing policy
We treat our suppliers in the same way we wish to be treated by our customers.
Apart from commercial and qualitative aspects, the possibility of a long-term, productive and process-oriented partnership is already taken into account when we select our suppliers.
We promote the cooperation with our suppliers on the basis of a sound commercial practice and mutual trust. At the same time, we actively prompt the competition between prospective suppliers and expect a maximum degree of professional competence at moderate total costs.
We consciously integrate our suppliers into our supply chain and expect, next to flexiblity, frankness, creativity and reliability, an added value, which goes beyond the mere pricing.
Supplier assessment
WIKA continuously assesses its approved suppliers depending on their delivery performance and efficiency in a team consisting of the material group manager in charge and the departments logistics, design and quality. The supplier assessment is issued at least once a year and serves as a basis for the future cooperation. It is the target of our supplier assessment to devise the strategies for an optimisation of the cooperation and to check them consistently.
Information for suppliers
Should you as a supplier or logistics service provider have any questions regarding import processing or customs clearance, please feel free to contact our responsible specialist department (see the adjacent contact person).